Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Reunion

The Reunion by Sue Walker
Sick Shit

The Reunion is a thriller about a group of adolescents who are inmates at an 'avant-garde' psychiatric facility. The teens include: Danny, a charming rapist, Carrie, a drug addicted beauty, Lydia, an obese girl with a tendency to commit arson, Alex, a foul-mouthed and aggressive bully, Simon, who has an awful mother, Isabella, seemingly normal with a completely abnormal family., and Innes, the newest member.

The story revolves around the present day and the year 1977 when these teens were in 'The Unit'. In the present Isabella after many years tries to contact Innes. When Innes finally gets back to her she finds out she has committed suicide. While Innes is looking into the suicide she finds out that another member of the unit has also died. What is going on?

The Unit seemed to be a very loosely monitored group of very disturbed teens. Something must have happened and now the remaining members are either been driven to death or killing themselves.

This is a very dark story. The plot is great but Carrie who seemed to be such a part of the story was basically missing from the story. A good twisted mystery!

First Line: "Well, here we are again"


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