Friday, December 07, 2012

Naked by David Sedaris

Naked by David Sedaris

David Sedaris grew up in an incredibly odd family and, as such, has some incredibly odd stories to tell. Naked is a series of short essays about Sedaris' life, however I felt that it almost read like a novel rather than short stories because the stories weren't overly disjointed.

For the most part, the stories were pretty interesting. That being said, they were so off-the-wall that I was always questioning whether or not they were truthful or not. I wasn't laughing out loud at anything, however overall it was ok.

First Line: "I'm thinking of asking the servants to wax my change before placing it in the Chinese tank I keep on my dresser."


1 comment:

trish said...

I felt pretty much the same way about this book.

I wanted to let you know I sent you an email. My email often ends up in spam because of all of the links to the books I'm working on. :/