
Miyo grows increasingly distant from her father and he fades until she receives the sad news of his death. She starts to find out more about her father and his past. His girlfriend is really his wife and she has a step-sister (Hana) who was raised in Japan. Miyo decides to travel to Japan to meet Hana. Hana is resentful of her treatment and very very strange. Miyo also finds out her father is considered one of the shameful ones for being a kamikazi pilot and not following through.
The premise of this book is indeed an interesting one and I truly wanted to love it but it was too strange for me. There was a lot of running around to no purpose, a lot of teeth-gnashing and just weirdness
First Line: "During the war my father learned to shoot a rifle, lunge with his bayonet and march the perimeter of Okayama Second Middle School, knees high and arms swinging."

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