How To Deliver A TED Talk: Secrets Of The World's Most Inspiring Presentations by Jeremy DonovanBusiness

I picked this up not because I have any interest in giving a TED talk, but because I give a few presentations a week and wanted to see if I could pick up some tips on how to present better. There are many tips given in this book, most of which are common sense or known best practices for public speaking. There wasn't much that was specific to TED talks, although Donovan did break down some speeches that were very popular in terms of timing, laughs, pauses, etc. However this doesn't really help you craft your speech. I can't write to say "you" 4 times every 60 seconds, I would imagine it's difficult to precisely measure that out. There are some great reminders in here though. Such as don't be afraid of silence, it doesn't need to be filled with "ums" and "uhs". It's always great to have this reminder as I start consciously thinking about it and find myself saying it less often when I do think about it.
I ended up listening to this on audio, which I don't think is the best way to read this book. The lists became long, tedious, and meaningless. Plus I feel that this would be better as a written book that you could reference when you have a speech or presentation coming up soon.

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