Monday, April 21, 2014

Summers of the Sisterhood: The Second Summer by Ann Brashers

Summers of the Sisterhood: The Second Summer by Ann Brashers

The travelling pants are back for another summer, passing between four friends: Bridget, Carmen, Lena, and Tibby. Two of them are in town this year, but Tibby heads up to New York for film school and Bridget heads down south to her grandmother and to try and find herself again. Each of the girls has a bit of a meltdown and for the most part it involves their moms. Carmen doesn't like that her mom is dating, Lena knows her mom is hiding something from her, and Tibby is tired of being ignored. As the pants travel around, they seem to get less usage than last time because each of the girls is in poor spirits. But eventually things look up and the pants provide their magic.

This book was nice, light fluff. It's a good book to read in the spring/summer time. It's not award winning literature by any means but it suits its purpose as a fun read.

First Line: "Once there were four girls who shared a pair of pants."


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