Thursday, April 05, 2007

The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult

The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult

Trixie Stone thought she had it all until her boyfriend dumped her. In an effort to do anything to get him back, she lies to her dad to go to a party where Jason will be attending. But at the party, Trixie is raped. The book looks at the relationship between Trixie and her parents, as well as their relationship, and exposes all of them as liars. They lie to each other and lie to themselves.
I felt the most sympathetic towards Daniel, Trixie's father. He did everything he possibly could for his daughter and in the one moment where he gets distracted by his wife's affair, Trixie gets hurt. I wasn't sure how to feel about Trixie because it was unclear as to whether or not she lied about her rape. But that being said, after being told by so many people that she was a liar, she showed tremendous courage by keeping her ground.
I didn't much like Laura. I felt she was much too self-centred. Although the whole parallel with Dante was very interesting. That also parallels the graphic novel that Daniel has written. However I felt like the graphic novel would have had more impact if it was a bit more detailed. The illustrations were quite amazing, even though I thought I was looking at Wolverine from X-Men on the first page.
It would have been nice to know what happened with Willie and Trixie after her parents got her. There was obviously chemistry there, would they continue to be in contact with each other?
As usual, Picoult's books are hard to put down and the characters are very involved. A good read!




Jenny said...

I just finished this book, I thought it was fantastic.

I love your blog! It's very well made. Maybe you can give me a few pointers? wink wink... I have no idea how to spruce up my own blog.

I have my own book review blog, I have yet to put in the two books that I have read.


Lauren said...

Thanks for stopping by Kitty! I left a comment on your blog giving you details of where to get a nicer template.