Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Gods in Alabama by Joshilyn Jackson

Gods in Alabama by Joshilyn Jackson

Arlene has made a deal with God. She won't lie, have sex, or return to her home town if God keeps his part of the deal. But when someone she went to high school with in Alabama appears on her Chicago doorstep, Arlene thinks God is starting to go back on his deal. Arlene takes her African American boyfriend (who she knows will not go over well in Alabama), and drives back home to try and defuse the situation. Slowly, we learn why exactly Arlene made her deal with God. We find out who, but the why is the key point in the book, and what is kept from the reader until the end.

The characters in this novel are what gets you so involved in the book. Arlene is quirky, Burr is sweet, Arlene's mom is not quite there, and Aunt Flo takes over mom duties but is such a strong person! It is hard to put this book down. You want to know why things happened, and you suspect there's more behind the story than what Arlene is giving you.

I'm going to look up some other Joshilyn Jackson novels, I'm interested in reading some more of her works!



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1 comment:

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

I was pleasantly surprised by this, too. And have you read her blog? It's a scream!