Saturday, August 09, 2008

Maggie Again by John D. Husband

Maggie Again by John D. Husband

Maggie lives in a small farm town in Indiana where everyone knows each other. Her three best friends spend as much time having fun as they do completing their chores. Alfie, one of her friends, has a gift of premonition and the sense of what will happen in the future. Once they jump on then off a boxcar that goes through their town, Alfie has a premonition that they will be doing something similar in the future.

Once Maggie finds out that her dad has given up a life in New York, she realizes that her time at Cobbler's Eddy may be coming to an end. Her father gets his note from New York just in time and Maggie's entire family ends up moving to New York, never to return to Indiana again.

But Maggie can't forget her friends that easily. She writes them and asks them to visit her ASAP. Three boys hop on a box car and ride to New York. However, after a week, there's no news from them. Everyone thinks they are lost, and after more time, it is believed that they are dead. Maggie is heartbroken. She goes through life in a sort of daze until one day, three boys from her past show up.

This book is a charming book, as are the characters. Combining the easy times of the late 1920s with the much faster times of the 1980s was interesting. How would you ever be able to explain to someone from 1920 how much the world has changed by 1980? This was a nice, short, enjoyable book!

First Line: "The village of Cobblers Eddy, Indiana is just a collection of houses, shops and barns strung along a two lane concrete road and surrounded by rolling farmland that extends to the horizon in all directions."


(3 .5/5)


Sheila said...

How would you ever be able to explain to someone from 1920 how much the world has changed by 1980?

Yeah how could you. I picture my grandfather being so confused on this era. LOL!

Sounds like a good book. A different pace to it.

Josette said...

Hi Lauren,

I thought this book was charming too! A unique time-travel kind of story for young adults. I enjoyed reading it too. :)