Friday, May 28, 2010


Skin by Mo Hayder
Sick Shit

Less than a week after the 'close' of their last case Jack Caffery and Flea Marley are at it again. Both are searching for a missing celebrity's wife. Jack stumbles upon an apparent suicide by the railway tracks. But is it a suicide? Or is it the monster from the 'Ritual' case, someone who seems to be able to do what he/she wishes and enter houses at will.

Flea has been searching the old quarry, She has dived down to dangerous depths all in search of this missing person. After being unsuccessful, she arrives home exhausted to find the biggest mess her alcoholic brother has ever put her in.

Poor Flea has to battle demons of her own this time. She deals with her parents' death and her brother's impossible significant other and her brother's weaknesses. Flea has to come to terms with what is right vs. wrong.

Jack is still battling his demons but seems in this book to be more calm. Although this book is not as gory and downright 'sick' as Hayder's other novels, it is still a very good read.

First Line: "Human skin is an organ."


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