Nadine Furst, news reporter and ally of Eve Dallas has received the pictures of a beautiful young person posed when dead. Dallas finds the body in a dumpster. Eve is now on the trail of a murderer who believes he can capture his victim's images. He is a perfectionist and every detail of the crime seems to be perfected. The murderer observes and records his victims every move until he can own and record their image for one last time.
Eve is ecstatic that Somerset, the butler she loves to hate but loves he takes such good care of Roarke, is going away for 2 weeks. On the morning he is to depart Somerset falls and breaks his leg. Curses!!
Trueheart, a rookie cop gets to go undercover and has to save himself from suffering the same fate as the other victims.
Roarke finds out about his past. Roarke handles things very differently from Dallas and his finding out and the resolution of his feelings and how Eve goes about helping Roarke deal with his past is very touching.
Another great book in the series. After 16 books in the series, the characters continue to develop. The murder in each book takes a back seat to the wonderful way in which these characters interact.
First Line: "We begin to die with our first breath."