Sunday, April 05, 2015

American Assassin by Vince Flynn


This is the first book in Flynn's Mitch Rapp series. Rapp is scouted by a clandestine branch of the USA government. Despite being the young age of 23, they suspect that Rapp will be a talented assassin. Rapp has history too. His girlfriend died in an air disaster, taken down by terrorists and Rapp wants nothing more than revenge. Rapp is brought to the training grounds with stick-in-the-mud Stan Hurley, who was also once the best in his time. They need to train up Rapp for a mission to bring home CIA agents that have been kidnapped in Beirut.

The majority of the book focuses on the training of Rapp and, sadly, only the last little bit was actually on a mission, which was the most interesting part. The action and suspense of the team's time in Beirut was great and poises the rest of the series for many interesting reads. Funnily enough, even though there was so much background for the book, I still feel like I never really got to understand what makes Rapp tick. I know he carries a big grudge, that he's very athletic and used to play lacrosse but aside from that, I don't know much more. Hopefully we learn more in the next of the series.

First Line: "Mitch Rapp stared at his reflection in the dusty, cracked mirror and questioned his sanity."


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