Friday, January 14, 2011

The Lost Symbol

The Lost Symbol by Dan brown

Robert Langdon is summoned to deliver a lecture in the US Capitol but instead of orating he discovers Soloman's severed hand with five symbols on it. Soloman who is a Mason has been kidnapped and Landgon is expected to solve these ancient symbols and lead the kidnapper to the holy grail of the Masons.

The Lost Symbol is a page-turning thriller much like Brown's other reads. Masonic history is covered including how famous statesmen were heavily involved in Masonic rites to the point of embarrassment and potential security risks (?) The D.C. architecture described is indeed fascinating especially how convoluted the basements of the Capitol and other building are. They harbor a myriad of rooms and tunnels.

Langdon and Soloman's sister Katherine must solve the riddles and symbols to save Peter Soloman's life while running away from the CIA.

I enjoyed this thriller but found the ending a real let-down. It just didn't live up to the angst and anguish of solving all the mysteries. The twist was great but I also felt that Katherine's work could have been more fully explained instead of continually hinted at. So the end synopsis is this is a great thriller BUT

First Line: "The secret is how to die."


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